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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
PRADA floor tiles SUNHEART 19
Q-BO DECOR tiles +box 19
Q-BO decor tiles +box 11
QUESTA DIGITAL wall tiles 19
R REGENCY digital tiles 19
RADIANT tiles +triangle 35
RATNAGIRI ceramic tiles 19
REGENCY tiles 35
REMONA wall tiles +triangle 19
ROCA designer tiles 19
ROCK tiles 2
ROSSENA the designer tiles 19
S DIGITAL WALL tiles +oval 19
S SENIS WALL tiles 19
S SENSORA vitrified tiles 19
S SHIV CERA tiles +triangle 19
S SMART LUSTER wall tiles 19
S SWAGAT wall tiles +circle 19
S SWITY tiles 19
SAI DESIGNER tiles +flower 19
SAKAR marbo vitrified tiles 19
SALON floor tiles 19
SARAL tiles & bath boutique 19
SATHIYA tiles 19
SAVANA wall & floor tiles 19
SAVIO vitrified tiles 19
SC SERON wall tiles +square 19
SE SPA wall tiles 19
SEJAL tiles +squares 19
SENORITA wall tiles +square 19
SENSO LITE vitrified tiles 19
SENSO PLUS vitrified tiles 19
SENSO vitrified tiles 19
SEPAL PLUS floor tiles 11, 19
SHREEM vitrified tiles 19, 35
SHYE tiles 19
SIKHWAL granite & tiles 19
SOMANY floor & wall tiles 19
SONARA porcelain tiles 35, 37
SONATA wall & floor tiles 19
tiles 19
SONEX tiles 35
tiles 19
SORENTO vitrified tiles 19
SPANITA floor tiles 19
SPECTO rectified wall tiles 35
SPECTRA designer tiles 19
SPEEDO vitrified tiles 19
SPEEDO vitrified tiles +cat 11, 21, 35
SPENO wall tiles +squares 19
SPICE LUSTER tiles +ovals 19
SPICE luster tiles +squares 19
SPICE vitrified tiles 19
SSM tiles 19
SSM tiles & sanitaryware 11
ST super tiles +ovals 19
STATUS wall tiles 19
STONA designer tiles 19
SUMAN tiles +oval 19, 35
SUMAN tiles +oval & arcs 21
SUN GRACIA tiles +triangle 35, 37
SUNART wall tiles 19
SUNGRES tiles 19
SURYA tiles and pavers +sun 19
SURYA ceramic tiles 35
SURYA wall & floor tiles 11
tiles 19
SWASTIK tiles 19
SWASTIK wall & floor tiles 19
SWASTIKA tiles +swastika 19
TAJ DESIGNER tiles +squares 19
TECNO GRES vitrified tiles 19
TECTON tiles +squares 19
TERRA CON designer tiles 19
TUF TILE floor tiles 6
TUFFSTONES tiles and pavers 19
TUFTILE floor tiles 37
ULTRA designer tiles +kite 19
UMA brand tiles +squares 19
tiles 19
V VASO BATH tiles +squares 11
V WIN-TEL vitrified tiles 11, 19
VARMORA wall & floor tiles 19
VERONA vitrified tiles +sta 19
VICTORY wall & floor tiles 19
VIKAS wall tiles +squares 19
VINTERIO ceramic tiles 19
VIOLET floor tiles +square 19
VITTORIA ceramic tiles 19
VIVA designer tiles +square 19
WELLCO wooden tiles +square 19, 20
WESTERN glazed tiles +ancho 19
YESHA tiles 19
c CERACONE tiles 19
ceramic tiles of italy 19
marblex RENOVA tiles 19, 27
orient tiles (LABEL) 19
pedder tiles' ITALMARBO 19
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